• MINDANAO: Pineapples, Gold and the Indigenous People of South Cotabato

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Christians Against Globalization In The Philippines (2005)

This paper focuses on the Basic Christian Communities in the Philippines that work to counter human and environmental rights violations resulting from macro-economic development processes. While not every activist-led and mass-based people’s movement includes critical environmental issues on their agendas for social change, this paper directs its attention to the progressive Basic Christian Community movement that incorporates an environmentally concerned and team-oriented approach to problem solving at the local level. This movement is part of an international bottom-up effort to…

Challenges posed by the new wave of farmland investment (2011)

Despite recent headlines about the ‘land rush’, scant empirical evidence implies that the debate is often theoretical and dominated by preconceived notions. To provide evidence that could better inform the debate, this paper focuses on three areas. First,we find that new land demand, which skyrocketed after the 2007/08 commodity price spike, remained at high levels, with a strong focus on Africa, and often countries with weak land rights protection. Some countries transferred large areas to investors, frequently locals, with limited…

Agrarian change below the radar screen: Rising farmland acquisitions by domestic investors in West Africa Results from a survey in Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger (2011)

Abstract In West Africa, domestic investors acquire plots of farm land using their connections, powers and resources. Some policy makers view these investments as a start towards the development of agribusiness and state that these “new actors” will modernise and professionalize farming and ask smallholders to make space. Who are those new actors, how did they obtain the land, under what conditions, and how are they investing? Why are customary authorities engaging in these land transactions and what are the…

Again, They’re Killing Peasants in the Philippines (2007)

ABSTRACT In this brief of an international fact-finding mission to the Philippines,Jennifer Franco reports on the killings of peasants demanding the implementationof agrarian reform allegedly by members of the military. In early June 2006, Francotook part in a fact-finding mission to investigate such killings in Bondoc Peninsula inthe southern part of the island of Luzon and in Davao del Norte in the eastern portionof the southern island of Mindanao. Author: Jennifer C. Franco (introduction by Patricio N. Abinales) Published by: Critical…

Achat/accaparement des terres en Afrique: Opportunités ou menaces ? Cas du Bénin en Afrique de l’Ouest (2010)

Introduction Le Bénin est un pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest qui s’étend sur 112 600 Km² de superficie pour unepopulation de près de huit millions (8.000.000) d’habitants et qui est essentiellement agricole.En effet, plus de 56% de la population tire ses revenus de l’agriculture, qui fournit 38,4% duProduit Intérieur Brut. C’est un pays à faible indice de développement humain (IDH), qui estclassé 161ème pays (IDH= 0.492calculé en 2007) sur 182 au niveau mondial.Le pays dispose de 8,3 millions d’hectares utilisables pour…

Maricalum Mining Site

In 2017, people were not allowed to go around the Maricalum Mining Site but during the visit of the research team in July 2018, operation with regards to the scrap metals were ongoing and the site was fully opened to the public.

Maps of Sipalay City

Below are various types of maps of Sipalay City retrieved from the City Planning and Development Office. Source: City Planning and Development Office, Sipalay City, Negros Occidental

Sipalay City History

This book was retrieved from the Negros Occidental Historical Council, maintained by the Provincial Government of Negros Occidental. It contains information about Sipalay City’s history and a detailed socio-economic profile from 1981. Source: Negros Occidental Historical Council, Negros Occidental

Hinobaan History

This is the written history of the Municipality of Hinobaan as documented by the Municipal Planning and Development Office. Source: Municipal Planning and Development Office, Hinobaan, Negros Occidental