The ILC recognizes the recent wave of large‐scale land acquisitions in which governments and government-backed institutions play a large role. To dispel popular “myths” surrounding land acquisitions, the report is careful to point out that the term “land grabbing” is misleading because it implies illegal or illegitimate means of procuring land by investors, when it is oftentimes a failure of domestic policies to recognize customary use rights. Also, land investment is not a new phenomenon; what is new is the size of acquisitions, different motivations (from economies of scale of large‐scale production to food and energy security), a considerable lack of transparency and public consultation, and an increased involvement of governments. Due to these policy failures and changing motivations, special considerations are needed when developing new standards to protect the rights of the poor and ensure that investment is fair and has no adverse effect on local populations.
Published by: Strategy and Policy Group Meeting – Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC/OECD)
Recent studies Land Acquisition_OECD